Agile society. Automation in favor of the public service.
On each completed digital service, less commuting, queuing extinction, faster service and paper reduction. In addition to the satisfied taxpayer, public money is optimized to invest in other priorities and in the implementation of public policies.
- Collection Management / Approval Analysis / Credit Release: Interaction with external service providers.
- Tax Management: Validations, checks, registration of Changes.
- Financial Approvals with Control of Jurisdictions: punctual and not contemplated in the business rules of the ERP.
- Approvals of Advances / Reimbursementof Expenses: Interactions with HR, Managers and Employees.
- Quality improvement in the provision of public services: Better experience of the Taxpayer, more agility in the completion of processes; integration between data and information, avoiding fraud and bureaucracy.
- Higher Productivity: Significant agility to employees. Manual jobs are replaced by automation and the incidence of non-existent errors and rejobs.
- Measurement of results: Through process automation, data collection and analysis become natural.
DocManager Health: Management of medical records, processes, documents and controls related to the patient’s life for hospital management. It aggregates features such as Biometrics, Cryptography, Indexing, Taxonomy and centralized and decentralized capture.
PEP – Electronic Patient Records: Digitally records, stores, and controls Patient information and exams. Reduce errors, optimize resources, increase security and improve Care in Medical Organizations.
Health Management Solution: The Platform optimizes processes and reduces the costs of health departments promoting the integration of units and processes, increasing safety in patient care and providing the best information management.
Customer Service Management Solution: Scheduling consultations with medical specialties, integrating the UBS – Basic Health Units to other points of care, AME’s, Hospitals, AMA’s, etc.
Document Capture/Scan: Design and implementation of solutions for centralized and decentralized capture and scanning of documents, of various formats (A4 to A0), of low (thousands of pages) or high volumes (tens of millions of pages employing OCR, OMR, barcode reading, indexing automation and integration with legacy system.
Formalization Mat: Design and implementation of formalization belt solutions, managing all activities, steps, deadlines, documents, resources and business particularities through a unified and secure environment, with the possibility of remote access. Automation of activities and mechanical steps.
Intolabs Service Center – ITSM: IT Service Management (ITSM) system, adhering to ITIL best practices preconfigured with incident management, requisitions and changes processes, allows the rapid implementation of Help Desk and Service Desk structures, controlling users, eligibility catalog, solver groups, deadlines, demands, priorities, human resources and material resources. Other IT processes can be easily added. It allows to extend its scope to other areas of the company with the CSC Concept (Shared Services Center) such as Maintenance, Electrical, Engineering, Facilities and Productive Support (machinery, industrial equipment, medical equipment, among others).